Sensing and Actuating

Photocells Tutorial

1. Priciple Photocells are sensors that allow you to detect light. They are small, inexpensive, low-power, easy to use and don't wear out. For that reason they often appear in toys, gadgets and appliances. They are often referred to as CdS cells (they are made of Cadmium-Sulfide), light-dependent resistors (LDR), and...

BMA180 Three-Axis Accelerometer Demo Test with Arduino

They are a lot of postures sensors are available on our sites, such as ITG3200、ADXL345、ADXL335、HMC5883L、MPU6050、BMP085、MMA7361, and these ICs are more used on flying control, now we did some simple test with the Bosch BMA180 module. Bosch BMA180 three axis digital accelerometer module has great performance than many others, it provides 14 bits...