Tag - arduino

SmartConfig ESP8266 for NodeMCU and AT-commands

A simple breakout board of ESP8266 on breadboard can do most of NodeMCU work. Also need a PL2303 USB-TTL programmer Most wifi embedded project will not have too much input and output resource to let the user enter the wifi SSID and password info, so we normally config this via phone app....

WS2812 Stick Board Test

You can find the arduino library in the product link: https://www.electrodragon.com/product/ws2812-neopixels-ring-leds/ https://www.electrodragon.com/product/8-led-ws2812-5050-rgb-led-stick-board/ From the example, run "standtest" sketch, follow the instruction to setup for the board, and it will show all the standard effects: The wiring should be Din - pin6 of arduino, VIN - 5V arduino, GND - GND arduino. And here is...

New Products and Updates! 2013-04-06

Please visit more at our store page for news products, at store.electrodragon.com We have 5 new products and 2 current products products added this week, read information below. If you have any request on electronic products, please contact us by tickets, online chat or email directly (info@electrodragon.com), we will arrange it and make it available within 1 weeks. Thumbnail Description 5PCs...

Arduino W5100 Demo Test

1. Stack your W5100 shield on you arduino board,make sure all the pins contact OK. SIZE:   L-69MM    W-53.6MM 2. Download the test sketch [c] /************************************************/ #include <SPI.h> /* * Web Server * * A simple web server that shows the value of the analog input pins. */ #include <Ethernet.h> byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED...