NFC Tag Module Read Write, ST25DV 13.56mhz


SKU: NID1026 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Based on ST ST25DV chip, it supports two type of read and write methods

  • The tag shows up as an ISO/IEC 15693 (13.56MHz) chip which is readable by phones and tablets, and using power supply via antenna coil.
  • Use MCU and via I2C to save or read out data from the tag.

Board Features:

  • Based on ST25DV04 chip, the memorry is small but also cost-effective.
  • On board two I2C connector, pitch 1.0 mm, pin from top to botom is GND / VCC / SDA / SCL
  • On board power supply LED.
  • Lead out pins:
  • VDD: 1.8-5.5V
  • GND: GND
  • SDA: I2C SDA
  • SCL: I2C SCL
  • GPO: interrrupt pin
  • VEH: energy harvest pin

Please make sure your phone is supported NFC or not first, android recommanded app is “NFC toolbox”.

All documentation please refer to this page. 

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg


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