
Upcoming Chinese Holidays

Dear all people, Happy new year 2014! We will have new traditional Chinese holidays here from 25th January till 7th February soon, during this time, we will not able to ship any orders and can only slowly answer your questions. Please concern this and schedule your order to avoid this time. This maybe the only and...

Basic Soldering with 0805 SMD components

We tried how to solder some basic SMD device, like 0805 package resistors, diode, capacitor, etc, there are some differences with the normal through hole soldering.First I got the SMD training PCB board here: https://www.electrodragon.com/?product=smd-soldering-skills-training-board This is a basic PCB board can solder a few these SMD components on it free almost...

Terminal Serial Port (UART) Monitor/emulation program

Terminal is a simple serial port (COM) terminal emulation program. It can be used for communication with different devices such as modems, routers, embedded uC systems, GSM phones,... It is very useful debugging tool for serial communication applications. It's a really uesful monitor tool for all kinds Serial Port (UART)...