Liquid Flow Sensor, Turbine Meter wiring with ESP8266

Posted by: Chao Category: Network, Sensing and Actuating Tags: , , , Comments: 4

Liquid Flow Sensor, Turbine Meter wiring with ESP8266

Thanks to customer Mark, here is wiring diagram of the flow sensor/meter with esp8266, the key point is needing a 555 timer chip as a Schmitt trigger.

Also the VCC voltage of flow sensor is 5V, and esp8266 is 3v3, a voltage divider is needed in the circuit.

You can find the flow sensor here.

flow sensor wiring with esp8266

Updated to use a CMOS version of the 555 timer that doesn’t suck massive power like the old LM555.

esp8266 with reflow sensor

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Comments (4)

  • geraldhasmail Reply

    Thanks for this! I have the flow sensor and it has made my auto garden watering device much more reliable!

    May 11, 2016 at 9:25 pm
  • guru Reply

    Thanks i need code for the esp8266

    September 5, 2016 at 4:42 pm
  • poulbran Reply

    That is a money making idea.

    September 12, 2016 at 7:27 am
  • Tema Reply

    Thank you, good idea for water pump…

    January 10, 2018 at 3:34 pm

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