
SmartConfig ESP8266 for NodeMCU and AT-commands

A simple breakout board of ESP8266 on breadboard can do most of NodeMCU work. Also need a PL2303 USB-TTL programmer Most wifi embedded project will not have too much input and output resource to let the user enter the wifi SSID and password info, so we normally config this via phone app....

ESP8266 Flash Firmware

All the relevant items can be purchased from!  items used in here including: ESP-07 with on board status LED (ESP-12 LED will not work for arduino blink sketch) ESP breakout board CH340 USB-TTL programmer breadboard and a few jumper wires. You can find the flash tool on this page. Flashing options in the tool explained here. First...

ESP8266 GPIO Test (Edited firmware)

To use Update date to now firmware, at commands V1.5: download at commands 1.5V here, if you use 1MB flash for esp-01s or 4MB for esp-12F, etc, etc. can use the combined bin. Also at commands instruction inside, has GPIO function, need this three. AT+SYSIOSETCFG=13,3,1 AT+SYSGPIODIR=13,1 AT+SYSGPIOWRITE=13,1 --- The following content is obsolete, not necessary --- ...