The Arduino Revolution – Not Simple Control, But Bluetooth Control Now

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The Arduino Revolution – Not Simple Control, But Bluetooth Control Now

Nowadays, more and more things goes internet and wireless. We have recently looking into some really really interesting arduino projects, as a game changer, it’s not only keep the  the arduino essential point – modular and stackable, furthermore, now the main arduino boards are fully Bluetooth wireless, images all your projects or product you build based on arduino, now you can always control it simply from your phone, is that nice?

The best wireless arduino board so far now – RFduino, with bluetooth 4.0 function included, fingertip size, modular and stackable, a lot of nice shields, directly USB programming … See the demo video directly, and it’s allowed pre-order from the designer:

Another project called BLEduino is very similar to RFduino, nothing too much need to mention, not as good as RFduino but still can spend a second to take a look:

Not only the Bluetooth are fully integrated with arduino, some RF wireless also integrated into arduino, there is one called Panstamp, with CC1101 wireless IC integrated, see directly from their site here.

The final words, every projects really should be wireless, especially Bluetooth supported!

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  • poulbran Reply

    Man the ESP blew this thing out the water.

    September 12, 2016 at 9:13 am

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